Earth Day Alert: A Lifetime Supply of Pads Is Taller Than The Chrysler Building

Earth Day Alert: A Lifetime Supply of Pads Is Taller Than The Chrysler Building

Are you one of the many women who are trapped in the cycle of habitually using pads to cover up bladder leakage problems?


We want you to know the facts about pads, and it's not pretty. Over a lifetime, women will spend $40,000-$60,000 on pads.

This is approximately 175,200 pads, for women who start using them in their 20s with average leakage through adulthood. As they get older, they need more and more expensive products.

The boxes are taller than the Chrysler Building when stacked on top of each other.

This has to stop. That's why we created Kegelbell. Kegelbell costs a little over a $100 and is proven to eliminate bladder leakage.

Imagine, no longer having to worry about buying pads, refreshing your pad, or getting up in the middle of the night.

Stop scheduling your life around your bladder leakage. Take back control with Kegelbell.


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