Vaginal Rejuvenation Exercises – Better Sex, Less Drama

Vaginal Rejuvenation Exercises – Better Sex, Less Drama

Sex is supposed to be fun. But for millions of women, changes in vaginal tone can make naked playtime much less satisfying, reducing sensation and making orgasms less intense. This loss of sexual mojo can affect a woman’s body image and overall quality of life, triggering a vicious circle of decreased desire, less frequent intercourse, reduction in natural lubrication, and even more laxity in vaginal tone.

As they say - ain’t nobody got time for that!

Most of us notice a change in the tone of our vaginal walls over time. The vagina is a wonderfully elastic and accommodating organ but life’s hurdles and experiences take their toll and cause:

  • Loss of muscle tone over time
  • Less ability for the vagina to self-lubricate, and
  • Reduction in frequency and intensity of orgasms

All this can leave otherwise healthy and vibrant women resigned to a future of less satisfying sex – or maybe less sex, period.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Vaginal rejuvenation is a clinically recognized – if largely unpublicized – treatment regime for women suffering from vaginal laxity and the resultant lack of sexual sensation and pleasure. Vaginal rejuvenation can help all women restore sensation and satisfaction during intercourse by strengthening the muscles, which increases blood flow, which in turn restores natural lubrication, which lends itself to better – and more frequent! - sex. A true win-win-win scenario!


Surgery has long been the treatment option of choice for vaginal rejuvenation, primarily for post-partum and post-menopausal women seeking to reclaim a more satisfying sex life. Laxity of the vaginal canal can decrease sensation for both partners, and surgery can seem like a quick and relatively easy fix. But while surgery may be the only option for women with serious medical issues – think pelvic organ prolapse and unresolved urinary incontinence - surgical intervention alone does not address the fundamental causes of vaginal laxity (childbirth, fading hormones). Surgical fixes also do not restore lubrication and therefore may not do much to restore normal sexual function.

The most common form of surgical vaginal rejuvenation is vaginoplasty and involves the removal of excess tissue and muscle to artificially tighten the vaginal canal. Every bit as unpleasant as it sounds, this can also include the removal of excess external (labial) tissues for a more pleasing aesthetic – a purely cosmetic procedure not supported by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Vaginoplasty is not recommended for women who want to have more children and requires eight weeks of abstinence from intercourse and tampon use. If the thought of cutting away vaginal tissue is not unpleasant enough, consider this: vaginoplasty can leave the vaginal canal TOO tight, requiring the use of dilators to gradually loosen the vagina in order to make sex comfortable (or possible).

That’s a lot of potential drama to resolve what is most often a simple loss of muscle strength and tone.


A good gynecological surgeon will recommend that a patient perform pelvic floor muscle exercises for several months before agreeing to vaginoplasty. The exercise itself may resolve the issue for the patient, eliminating the risk of damage to nerve endings, permanent pain and numbness that can result from a typical vaginal rejuvenation procedure.

Strengthening the vaginal wall muscles works on the same principle as lifting weights at the gym – the more you use a muscle, the stronger it becomes. Stronger vaginal and pelvic floor muscles provide more sensation during sexual play and contract more intensely during orgasm. Not a bad outcome for a few minutes spent each day spent exercising your pelvic floor.

Unfortunately, too many women do pelvic floor exercises incorrectly, clenching the abdominal or the gluteal muscles instead of the vaginal and pelvic floor. Physical therapy can be a great option that can work wonders on strengthening the vaginal wall, but there are not many therapists trained in pelvic floor dysfunction to make this a viable option for many women.


There are some tools on the market that claim to help women take charge of their sexual health by training them to perform pelvic floor exercises correctly - stone eggs, electric shock stimulators, laser “heaters” and more.

No. Just no.

If the thought of inserting any of these whiz-bang fixes into your vajayjay makes you cringe, know that these “restorative devices” have no clinical evidence - or FDA backing - to support their flimsy promises. There are more appealing and effective ways to restore tone your pelvic floor muscles - no batteries required.

But proper form is very important, as the correct motion is very subtle and can leave you wondering if you have done the exercise at all:

  • Am I squeezing correctly?
  • Am I squeezing long enough? Hard enough?
  • How should it feel?
  • How do I know I am doing it correctly?

The Kegelbell® pelvic floor trainer helps you naturally engage the proper muscles so you never have to wonder if you have squeezed the right muscle group. The kit provides the tools to help you correctly isolate the right muscles, starting with the silicone insert and adding incremental, external weights as your strength returns. And just five minutes a day, three times a week can produce results you and your partner will notice in just a few weeks.

You don’t let anything get in the way of your weekly girls’ night out, your daily workout or your kick-ass career path, so why let laxity down there control your sexual well-being. Rock your partner’s world, recharge your sexual swagger and shove pelvic muscle laxity to the curb with Kegelbell®. Your sex life may never be the same again.

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Vagina Gym Includes

Kit original Kegelbell® The Vagina Gym®

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